Application to search private keys of Bitcoin addresses with balance for 'Bitcoin Puzzle' challenge.

What is 'Bitcoin Puzzle' challenge ?
In 2015, in order to show the hugeness of the Bitcoin private key space (or maybe just for fun), someone created a "puzzle" where he chose keys in a certain smaller space and sent increasing amounts to each of those keys like these:
Puzzle #64:
0.64032959 Bitcoins to address 16jY7qLJnxb7CHZyqBP8qca9d51gAjyXQN
Puzzle #65:
0.65012839 Bitcoins to address 18ZMbwUFLMHoZBbfpCjUJQTCMCbktshgpe
Puzzle #66:
6.60031695 Bitcoins to address 13zb1hQbWVsc2S7ZTZnP2G4undNNpdh5so
Puzzle #67:
6.7 Bitcoins to address 1BY8GQbnueYofwSuFAT3USAhGjPrkxDdW9
Puzzle #68:
6.80001 Bitcoins to address 1MVDYgVaSN6iKKEsbzRUAYFrYJadLYZvvZ
etc ...
Search Bitcoin private keys ?
This application is not used to search for private keys of Bitcoin accounts with a balance that have an owner.
The application is only configured to search Bitcoin private keys in the specific ranges of the 'Bitcoin Puzzle' challenge.
Getting these private keys is completely legal, as it is part of the 'Bitcoin Puzzle' challenge organized by the person who transferred those Bitcoin balances to those addresses for anyone to find.
Application features:
● Detect all NVIDIA CUDA and OpenCL devices on your system (GPU, CPU or custom).
● Search 10 different puzzles.
● Random and sequential search.
● Graphical representation of the search range.
● If a puzzle is solved, get the private key of target Bitcoin address.
● Includes a text terminal to display application information.
● Options to setting NVIDIA CUDA cores for optimal performance.
● Powered by BitCrack application.
● Released under Freeware License.
● 64 bit version for MS Windows 11, 10 and 7.
● Compatible from Intel Core 2 Duo CPUs.
● No installation, just unzip the .ZIP file and run PuzzleBTC.exe.
● It includes the 'runtimes' that are necessary in some cases.
● Does not include viruses, malware, spyware or advertising.
Performance on some NVIDIA graphics cards:
● NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 Ti 4GB: 323 MKeys/s
● NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB: 136 MKeys/s
● NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960 2GB: 85 MKeys/s
YouTube video shorts explaining the 'Bitcoin Puzzle' challenge (in Spanish):
Whats new ? v2.1a:

● An option has been added to be able to search in specific areas of the puzzle range.
● All three lights on the keyboard turn on (if available) when the target Bitcoin address is found.
● Improved alert sound when target Bitcoin address is found.
Whats new ? v2.0a:
● Fixed 'bug' that caused the application does not correctly detect NVIDIA devices.
● A button is added to clear the dot matrix.
● The button that searches for the private key on the Internet is removed. The private key is calculated by the application (it's safer).
● A generator of new Bitcoin addresses is added to use them to send and receive Bitcoins in Bitcoin wallets applications like Electrum.